Hawkes Bay Centre


About Hawkes Bay Centre:

The Hawke’s Bay Centre is very active with a number of teachers with pupils ranging from under 6 year to over 18 years old who are involved in both competitive dancing and Academy exams for practical and theory in Highland, Irish and Sailors Hornpipe.

The main Centre event is the Hawkes Bay Easter Highland Games at which the Comunn na Piobaireachd Gold Clasp, Gold, Silver and Bronze medals are competed for.  The Games have been going for 68 years and have had many changes but remains the Premier Solo Piping event in NZ. 

Many dancers have competed at the Games and still come year on year with many generations following on in the tradition. 

Our Current Patron Mr Bruce Cawood has held many positions at National level and is still active today.  Mr Ken Tobin who is a life member is still active and is the Assistant Piping Convenor at the Hawkes Bay Easter Highland Games.

The small committee that runs the Games also runs various dancing days through the year.

Our focus is to ensure we continue to promote Piping and Dancing and assist all involved to enjoy their time with us in “Sunny Hawkes Bay”

Current Committee Members:

President: Mr Rob Mortensen

Vice President: Mrs Gaye Reid 

Committee: Bruce Cawood, Karen Mortensen, Ken Tobin, Nicole Broclehurst, Les Hewett, Kim Btocklehurst, Lisa Agnew and Julie Barker

Honorary Treasurer: Ms Lara Zdich

Honorary Secretary: Mrs Jill McIntosh

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